What Do You Think of the DEA and It’s Recent Actions Upon Doctors and Pharmacies?

Question by Mary Sunshine: What do you think of the DEA and it’s recent actions upon doctors and pharmacies?
Recently, doctors refused to give patients with chronic pain any medications due to fear of losing their licenses. In Florida 6 Walgreen pharmacies have been given warrants due to an increased orders for percocet. Is the DEA right or wrong? Why?

Best answer:

Answer by Auroch
Doctors kill a LOT more people with their prescription drugs than illegal drugs ever thought of killing. The cops should be looking at those guys closer.

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Lanny A. Breuer Convicted of Participating in 5M Medicare Fraud Scheme

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers florida

Throughout the course of the fraud conspiracy, tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks were paid in exchange for Medicare beneficiaries, who did not qualify for PHP services, to attend treatment programs that were not legitimate PHP programs. … in …
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Three years later, Broward Jail inmate's killing still a mystery

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers florida

November 16, 2012|By Megan O'Matz, Sun Sentinel. A homeless drug addict brought into the Broward Main Jail on a trespassing charge with a gash over his eye and cuts and bruises on his face told a deputy that "the cops" beat him up. Within hours, he was …
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