What Is the Process for Drug and Substance Abuse Rehab?

Question by Alex M: What is the process for drug and substance abuse rehab?
My friend has some drug problems with various drugs, none too crazy. She is looking into rehab but can’t afford it I try to be there but I haven’t really done drugs (pot twice but not my thing) so I haven’t experience such an addiction or relied on it let alone had a withdrawal so I was thinking if anyone who had any experience with drugs and/or rehab could help me out, explain the brief process of the professionals so I could have the ‘ladder’ on the rehabilitation process.
Thank you. I know what’s out there, but I wanted to know what ‘I’ can do as a substitute for actually going to rehab, what we should talk about, methods to ease the withdrawal, etc etc.
Thank you.
She looked into going to real rehab but the local ones she can’t afford and any free ones are not possible to get to or some other reasons. So as a friend I want to help, here, as much as I can.

Best answer:

Answer by *~Sandra V~*
There are state funded programs as well as private and non-profit rehabs. Depending on the place she is most likely going to be evaluated and placed with a counselor given some materials to work on and start classes, and support groups. She will most likely have family day where you could come. Some programs last 30 days, some longer. Some are outpatient care ( which means she wouldn’t sleep over) Hope that helps.

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