Why It's Time to Legalize Marijuana

Why it's time to legalize marijuana

Filed under: drug addiction help line

The Conservative hard line is increasingly out of step with its citizenry, and with the shifting mood in the United States, where two states—Colorado and Washington—have already legalized recreational use, where others have reduced penalties to a …
Read more on Macleans.ca


Stats show Maine is still safe, but could improve

Filed under: drug addiction help line

Public Safety Commissioner John E. Morris again pegged the increases to drug abuse, saying “Drugs remain a key reason for much of the crime in Maine as addicts commit these robberies to feed their habits,” he said, adding, “Prescription drug abuse is …
Read more on Biddeford Journal Tribune


Inside Bolton's food banks

Filed under: drug addiction help line

Some people here are battling more than just financial problems, whether its alcohol or drug addiction or they're on the brink of becoming homeless. But seeing the staff … It can be a life line for people lost in a society buckling under welfare …
Read more on The Bolton News